Future Business Leaders Travel to Minneapolis

By Kenzie Henderson
Usually learning takes place in the classroom, but for four students at EHS, they spent an extended weekend in Minneapolis, Minnesota to gain more knowledge on leadership. Danny Nguyen, Bethany Thomas, Molly James, and Ian VanDusen represented Eudora’s FBLA chapter. Mrs. Brown took these students up north to participate in the FBLA National Fall Leadership Conference.
Alongside 2,000 other members, they participated in workshops and listened to speakers who helped them develop into the future business leaders they hope to be. Although the summer FBLA conference is much larger with almost 10,000 members, Mrs. Brown believes that this opportunity will be just as fun and very influential for the members.
“The National Fall Leadership Conference, (NFLC), highlighted the importance of networking with other people. The diversity and the attitudes of different states, people, and advisors is always a welcomed aspect of the NFLC and the National Leadership Conference each summer,” explained the president of FBLA, Molly James.
The FBLA members were excited to meet more members of other chapters throughout the country and get closer to other chapters in the state of Kansas. When they were not at the conference, they had the opportunity to go to the Mall of America. James, who loves making these connections, shared her experience of mingling with FBLA members from other states.
“During the State Officer Networking Session, I was walking around discussing similarities with a Wisconsin state officer, and we found the stereotypes that other states will sometimes put on Kansans and Wisconsinites if you tell them you’re from our respective states were very interesting.”
FBLA means something different to each person involved in the organization but for Danny Nguyen, the Eudora FBLA chapter Vice-President of Community Service he illustrated what it means, to him, to be involved in FBLA as an officer.
“Being in FBLA means giving back to the community, learning new and different skills, as well as building our self-confidence.”
He encourages any other students who are interested to join.
After returning from their trip, all returned with a positive attitude about what they learned. Not only were they there to learn, but they had some free time on their hands as well. Between the four officers they each mentioned the Mall of America, while Bethany Thomas, Treasurer, commented she enjoyed watching HGTV in Mrs. Brown’s hotel room.
Thomas later explained more about her personal experience on the trip. “We had a lot of fun this year and brought a good officer team. We intend to use this experience to educate our local chapter and inspire them to be better.”
For Danny Nguyen, Bethany Thomas, Ian VanDusen, and Molly James it was an unforgettable experience, but they are glad to be back home and ready to put into action all of their new ideas for the upcoming competition season.