21 Reasons Why Coming Back To School Isn’t All That Bad

by Morgan Monroe
Although Mother Nature says otherwise, the summer of 2014 has come to an end. Students and teachers alike have set their early morning alarms, packed up countless notebooks, and made their way back over to dear old EHS. It’s very easy to focus on the negatives when returning to school, so here is a list of things to remind us why school isn’t all that bad!
1. Actually knowing what day of the week it is.
2. Getting out of school during Sonic’s happy hour.
3. Goodbye day shifts
4. Two words: Football. Season.
5. Not having to keep refreshing your Twitter feed because let’s face it, you’ve been tweeting too much anyway.
6. Scheduled meals.
7. Buying school supplies is strangely exhilarating.
8. It’s a reasonable excuse to get new clothes.
9. You’re finally a freshman!
10. You’re not a freshman anymore!
11. You’re almost a senior!
12. You’re a senior!
13. “Mom, I can’t take out the trash I have homework.”
14. Pizza Shuttle Fridays are upon us.
15. Nobody wants to play dodgeball outside of school.
16. Having intelligent conversations with teachers instead of the kids you’ve been babysitting all summer.
17. Getting to start your fall sport season.
18. Finally getting to wear sweatshirts in order to not freeze to death by 3rd hour.
19. The feeling you get when it’s time to go to lunch.
20. You don’t want to admit it, but you missed your favorite class during summer.
21. Last but not least, you’re one day closer to graduating.
Regardless of how many things that you like and dislike about high school, it’s an opportunity to make memories that you’ll have for the rest of your life. You’ll make new friends, learn what you’re good at, and also what you’re not so good at. When it comes down to it, you have to be here so you might as well make the best of it!