Smokin’ Hot New Addition to Culinary Department

by Kennedy O’Dell
The Eudora High School Culinary Department recently received an unusual gift from a friend in the culinary field. Oklahoma Joe’s barbecue restaurant donated a competition level Horizon Smoker to Chef Lowe and his students to explore the art of barbecue in the classroom.
On a visit to Oklahoma Joe’s last year, Chef Martin mentioned the department’s inability to properly teaching students about barbecue. After the trip, talk of donating a smoker began. Students were eager to get the chance to try their hand at a new culinary field. Abby Richeson was one of the high school chefs who couldn’t wait for the smoker to arrive last Monday.
“Using a smoker lets us try new things. I am excited to try doing barbecue,” said Richeson. “We haven’t been able to do it before.”
Chef Lowe was also thrilled when the smoker arrived. The delivery team who transported the large, metal grill had several members who worked hard to move the smoker into the Auto Collision garage. Although its current location isn’t ideal, it is only a temporary resting place for the smoker.
The arrival of the new cooking appliance has inspired some students to explore how the smoker could be used to expand the culinary program. Senior Kaylyne Perkins has high hopes for a possible competitive avenue for the smoker.
“We have talked about inviting the other schools in our league to a barbecue contest that we would host and participate in,” said Perkins. “We can do it now with smoker.”
The smoker promises to be a great addition to an already stellar Ed-Tech program. Look for new tasty barbecue to be headed out of the Ed-Tech building this spring!