Mr. Peltzman Changes Lives After Changing His Own

Most students know who Mr. Peltzman is, he’s the teachers who is always in the halls preaching to kids about grades being the most important thing in our lives right now and about making good decisions in and out of school to keep us out of trouble. He teaches about how students can study and prepare themselves for tests and exams. After school he is always in the library helping kids with their homework and giving them anything they need to get it done. Mr Peltzman takes pride in being a teacher, helping kids, and being a positive influence on their lives. So, most students know who he is, but many do not know how he got to where he is.
Although Mr. Peltzman hasn’t always known exactly what he wanted to do, he has always known that he wanted to help people in some way.
“I first realized that I wanted to help people after I went through an accident earlier in my life.” he said.
The strength that Mr. Peltzman showed to get through it all helped him realize that he wanted to help people.
In the beginning Mr. Peltzman had plans that did not involve being a teacher.
He said “After all that was over I wanted to become a doctor, but I wasn’t doing so good in the classes I needed so I knew that wasn’t what I wanted to do.”
While doing service work for a class that he was taking that was unrelated to education Peltzman realized that he had a knack for reaching out to kids who others struggled to connect with.
He ran into a woman who had an autistic son and Peltzman taught the little boy how to tell time and that got Mr. Peltzman thinking about getting a career in education.
“I was then with this student teacher program that brought me to Eudora back when the high school was still in the old building. They eventually needed someone to work the library after school for the kids who had to stay after, and I really enjoyed it.”
Mr. Peltzman loved working with the kids who were struggling with their grades so much that he then figured out what he wanted to teach.
“That’s when I realized that I wanted to have a class that focused on studying habits and all the things you can do that will help improve your grades.” said Peltzman.
After while of helping kids in the library, EHS offered him a full-time teaching job and he took it without hesitation. He has been teaching here ever since, going out of his way not only to help students in his classes but all of the students in the building. Even if students don’t currently have his class or never have had his class it doesn’t matter, they can go talk to him he will do whatever it takes to help them.
In addition to his classroom responsibilities, he also has his hands full outside of the classroom. One of his more major responsibilities is working with the schools PBS team. He was part of the team who helped developed the early out system that motivates students to good attendance and grades.
So even though Mr. Peltzman didn’t originally plan on being a teacher, he should be proud of what he has done and we as a student body should be thankful that he is here and is helping students out every day that he is here.