Pet World Employees Create Haunted House

By Camden Leary
On a typical day, a Pet World employee would be someone that you would love to run into at the supermarket or waiting in line at Starbucks for your morning coffee. They would greet you with a smile and ask how your critters are doing and how you’ve been. However, during Halloween you may get a slightly different type of greeting.
In October, Pet World employees volunteer their extra time to build and participate in Pet World’s annual Haunted House. Typically, the haunted house runs on two nights. One night for adults and Halloween night for trick-or-treaters in costume. Although this year, due to issues with older participants, the haunted house will only be open to trick-or-treaters thirteen years old or younger and in costume.
In past years the haunted house has had a variety of themes including Sinister Cinema and Motel Hell(o). This year, Pet World has decided to go with the theme Twisted Fairy Tales. To build the theme store workers completed a full scale rustic castle.Trick-or-treaters can look forward to seeing their beloved fairy tale characters but with a little bit of a twist. Playing these characters are a mixture of your favorite Pet World employees and volunteers from all across Lawrence. These characters will be slipping in and out of rooms throughout the maze of the castle making sure everyone receives at least one good scare.
This will be the haunted houses tenth year of scarring innocent trick-or-treaters in Lawrence. The haunted house is located at the corner of 26th Court and Missouri Street in Lawrence.