EHS Cardinal Regiment Performs at the Central States Marching Festival

Information and photo provided by Mac Knight
The EHS Cardinal Regiment Marching Band and EHS Dance Team performed this past Saturday, Oct. 19th at the Central States Marching Festival on the campus of Kansas State University. The 27th annual version of this festival was the largest ever with 42 bands from across the state. The Cardinal Regiment had a phenomenal performance earning an overall Excellent rating, including straight Superior ratings in both the Music and Marching categories. Overall, the Cardinal Regiment earned 10 Superior ratings in 15 possible rating categories. This was the best performance by the EHS Band at any marching festival to date.
Our students also had the opportunity to work with the K-State Band staff in a pre-performance clinic. The K-State staff was very impressed by the work ethic and maturity of our band and dance members. Congratulations to all of the students on a wonderful performance!