US History Classes Get In-depth Lesson in Trench Warfare

Recently, EHS teacher Jason Tharp’s US History classes were literally in the trenches during a lesson on trench warfare. The students had the opportunity to not only dig their own trenches, but they were also able to apply what they learned in class during a mock battle.
According to Tharp, “The purpose of the activity was to show students how trench warfare was fought, and the result of this style of fighting ended up being mass casualties suffered on both sides.”
In the past Tharp has focused on trench warfare, but he conducted the activity in the classroom.
He added, “In the past I had done an activity for trench warfare with desks and paper balls in my classroom, but this year I thought why not take a day and do the real thing.”
While he was pleased with the participation and effort of the students this year, Tharp is already looking forward to continuing the activity next year.
“The kids did a great job this year, and I think the goal for next year’s juniors is to out do what they did this year. Each year I think this project will just get bigger and bigger,” he said.